Dr Chandana Jayasinghe

Meet our Doctors Series: We want you to get to know us better! We thought we would go through each of our doctors over the coming weeks and our first is Dr Chandana Jayasinghe (aka Dr CJ). Dr CJ is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and has been at our practice 10 years. If you want an early appointment (starting from 7:30am), you will probably be booked with Dr CJ. Prior to joining our practice, he worked for a number of years at Hervey Bay Hospital’s emergency department. Dr CJ enjoys all walks of general practice. He does a lot of ear microsuction (for those of you with blocked waxy ears), and has a lot of families where all members of the family see him - ranging from newborns to the grandparents. If we have a patient with some sort of acute illness or perhaps a fishing hook stuck - Dr CJ is our go to (given his experience in the emergency department).  Dr CJ has also recently decided to extend his hours. From next week he is working until 2pm each day and also working Fridays. Book online www.mainstreetmed.com.au or give us a call on 07 4325 4000