Skin Cancer Checks

5 Reasons Why You Should Arrange An Appointment For a Skin Check NOW!
  • Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with Skin Cancer by the time they are 70
  • Melanoma is the third most common cancer in Australia in both women and men
  • The sooner a skin cancer is detected and treated the better your chance of avoiding surgery and potential disfigurement
  • Familiarise with your skin, to pick up any changes that might suggest skin cancer – Look for: any crusty non healing sores, new spots, freckles, or moles changing in colour or thickness. If you notice any changes arrange an appointment with the doctor for a skin check immediately
  • The good news is that skin cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer in Australia. Having regular skin checks will help you be aware of any skin changes


At Main Street Medical Centre our Doctors are aware of the importance of skin health including preventative measures, skin checks and suitable management of many conditions

When making an online appointment for a skin check, please book the skin check appointment type.

In our clinic, skin checks take 15-30 minutes and it is best to wear loose and comfortable clothing. You will need to undress to your underwear for a full skin check.  Alternatively, you can request only certain areas are checked. A chaperone (Registered Nurse) can also be requested. Our doctor will discuss the finding(s) with you and possible treatment(s). Please make sure you do not use makeup on any area you want to be checked.

We have the equipment for checking skin (dermatascopes), and a well-equipped treatment room for excision of lesions if indicated. We use DermEngine software for digital follow up of doubtful lesions.  We also offer Our centre is fully accredited and complies with Australian standards and regulations.

Our doctors are experienced in the detection, treatment and removal or biopsy of skin cancers/moles at our centre. If you are concerned at any stage about any changes to your skin e.g. moles, sun spots, solar keratosis, please make an appointment as soon as possible.

Your doctor will conduct an examination and if further treatment is required they will discuss this with you before proceeding. Monitoring and a repeat visit for review is the common outcome.

If a skin cancer is diagnosed, your doctor may consider a number of factors to determine the best treatment for your skin cancer, including :

  • The type of skin cancer: For example, melanoma, Basel cell carcinoma, or squamous cell carcinoma.  Some cancers are more dangerous than others and all must be treated with the appropriate techniques.
  • The size: Some cancers can spread out across a larger area of skin, or may have penetrated deeper into underlying tissues.
  • The location: A skin cancer on your arm will require different treatment to cancer on your nose, which is more sensitive.
  • Whether it has spread to other parts of your body:  Sometimes, skin cancers can spread to other body organs, requiring a combination of different treatment methods.
  • State of the surrounding skin:  Some treatment options will not be suitable.


For more information, please refer to Skin Cancer and Melanomas website.


To find out more about our Skin Cancer services in Hervey Bay, please Main Street Medical Centre on (07) 4325 4000

Skin Cancer Treatment Options


The cancerous spot is excised using a scalpel blade after the area is numbed with a local anaesthetic.  The doctor will remove a margin of surrounding tissue as well, to ensure the entire skin cancer has been successfully excised.  The wound is sealed with sutures and dressed.


The doctor removes the skin cancer by scraping it with sharp instrument and burning the tissue to eliminate cancer cell remnants.  This is often used to treatment superficial cancers confined to the top layer of skin.


The doctor freezes the skin cancer the skin cancer with liquid nitrogen, killing the tumour cells.

Topical Treatments

This involves the application of creams that stimulate the immune system and promote your own body to destroy the cancer naturally.

The doctors at Main Street Medical strive to deliver prompt, efficient and effective skin cancer treatments that minimise scarring. The majority of skin cancers can be treated in our surgery.  In some cases, you may be referred for treatment by specialists.  We have access to the assistance of Dermatologists, General and Plastic surgeons if needed for our patient's convenience.


If your skin cancer is at an advanced stage or has spread to other organs, you will be assisted with an onward referral to undergo radiotherapy, immunotherapy, or chemotherapy.  Don't worry- if detected early, this is a highly unlikely outcome.

What are the symptoms of skin cancer?

Skin cancers first appear as a spot, lump or scaly area on the skin, or a mole that changes colour, size or shape over several weeks or months. These changes can appear anywhere on the body, particularly areas frequently exposed to the sun. Skin cancers may bleed and become inflamed, and can be tender to the touch.

There are certain characteristics to look for in spots and moles. Remember the 'ABCDE' of skin cancer when checking your skin:

  • Asymmetry — does each side of the spot or mole look different to the other?
  • Border — is it irregular, jagged or spreading?
  • Colours — are there several, or is the colour uneven or blotchy?
  • Diameter — look for spots that are getting bigger
  • Evolution — is the spot or mole changing or growing over time?

Changes may include an area that is scaly, shiny, pale or bright pink in colour, or a spot or lump that grows quickly and is thick, red, scaly or crusted.

See your doctor if you notice any new spots or an existing spot that changes size, shape or colour over several weeks or months. Your doctor can help you distinguish between a harmless spot such as a mole, and a sunspot (actinic keratosis) or irregular mole (dysplastic naevus) that could develop later into skin cancer.


When should I see my doctor?

It’s important to check your own skin regularly to find any new or changing spots.

See your doctor or dermatologist straight away if you notice any changes to your skin, such as:

  • an 'ugly duckling' — a spot that looks or feels different to any others
  • a spot that changes size, shape, colour or texture over time
  • a sore that doesn’t go away after a few weeks
  • a sore that itches or bleeds

To find out more about our Skin Cancer services in Hervey Bay, please Main Street Medical Centre on (07) 4325 4000

Skin Surgery Fees

Doctors' fees are determined by the Australian Medical Association recommended rates and fairly reflect the leading technology and the unique services we provide.


These charges are necessary to give you quality treatment, due to the fact your Medicare benefit has not kept pace with inflation and the rising cost of running a GP practice. We are trying to keep costs for concession card holders to a minimum, please see the table below:

Consult (skin check)

Standard Fee

(No concession)

Discount Fee

(Concession card holders)

DVA Gold/ DVA White

(Skin cancer specified as a condition)

 Biopsy Typically we charge $50 more than the Medicare rebate, for each session of biopsies (up to 4) BB^  BB
Skin excision (cost includes dressing change and removal of sutures) Typically, we charge $100 more than your Medicare rebate for each excision ** Typically we charge $50 more than the Medicare rebate for each excision BB
Non-skin cancer excision and other surgeries Typically, we charge $200 more than your Medicare rebate Typically, we charge $150 more than your Medicare rebate BB
Suspected Melanoma excision Typically we charge $100 more than your Medicare rebate Typically we charge $75 more than your Medicare rebate BB
Confirmed Melanoma excision BB BB BB
Small wounds $82 with a rebate of $39.75 BB BB
Large/Chronic Wounds $120 with a rebate of $39.75 $72 with a rebate of $39.75 BB

**: Multiple surgeries done on the same day will give you less Medicare rebate causing more out of pocket costs

^ Additional charges may apply for different services during the time of the appointment